Sunday 30 September 2007

Broken DVDs, Weight and Friends on Weed

My Parents have a DVD hire thing set up with Amazon, and we got "kung-fu Hustle" through the post the other day, and knowing what a great film it was the whole family sat down to watch it on Friday night , and we put it in, 'Disk Error'....Uh oh...
We take the Disk out, and i have to laugh, How on earth Dad didn't manage to spot it Before he put it in the player i have no idea, But the DVD is practically in two pieces, A huge crack right across the middle. So anyways we decided to watch "Roxanne"(if you don't know this film, then go watch it, very very funny)...And we were all nearly wetting ourselves laughing, and well i had had the first alcohol i had had in about 2 weeks, an it had gone straight to my head....hehe.
This alcohol consumption however did mean i failed to loose anyweight on Friday.., which is a real shame as i have managed to loose 9lbs in the last 7 days with out too much trouble and without starving myself, Which i am nothing short of delighted about.
I am aiming to be 175lbs by Christmas, which means i still have about 15lbs to loose, but that is like 12 weeks away...Hehe.
And to be honest my real aim is to be 165lbs, or less, by the time Drew sees me again, I mean that is real motivation, i would love nothing more for him to see me again, and be like "Wow"....hehe.
Anyways, I digress....hehe. Went over to Pete and Stephy's house last night, with Ben, Ric was already there, And somehow he had managed to "Aquire" some weed, which he and Pete had already been smoking for about an hour by the time we got there...Hehe. Was really funny, Particually Ric, as he is only a little guy and it really seemed to hit him, he kept Freaking himself out, Convincing himself the Police were going to come and Raid the flat, and then when me and Ric went to Pick up Stephy in my car, He was giving me directions in german, In a scotish accent, Was so funny, i was having trouble driving....hehe
so we went back to the flat again, and me and Stephy were the only ones Sober, and not stoned...and were just laughing at the three guys. We decided to watch Shaun of the Dead, Which apparently is even funnier when you are stoned....Or so i guessd from the fact that Ric couldn't stop laughing.
We had a Macdonalds as the guys wanted it...And were going on and on...and stayed at the flat till about 1am. By which time they were all crashing, and well me and Stephy decided to get the boys to bed, before they decided they needed to start smoking again...hehe
But all in all a very amusing night, just wish i had had the video camera with me....;-)

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