Thursday, 11 October 2007

Into Halls

Has been a few days at least since i last posted an update, and well i have been really busy and lots has happened.
Started uni lectures, it is really fun on the whole actually, tho we haven't exactly done lots yet, more introductions, and working through some basics. Maths is increably easy, which is really nice, it is more reminders for me than anything else. so is still usful to be going through it...:)
Physics, I remember more than i thought i would and though i am having some difficultly remembering what units are used to Express what, I am making quick Progress, and wonderfully i feel like i am finally learning something.
Electronics, bits of this i am finding a little scarey, but nothing too bad, considering i have never done it before, having really got the hang of the Maths, and doing okay in the Physics is definetly making this Easier.
Haven't really met a lot of people yet, but i really haven't been feeling up to it as i have Developed a really horrible cold, but have spoken to quite a few people on my course, I often Sit with Siobhan and Matt, And i speak to Jill, Keri (sp?...No idea how he spells his name..Hehe) and the other Matt fairly Regularly, and it is easier now we have spoken a few times.
I have never been very good with the Social side of things, but i moved into halls last night, and well i am going to have to make a real effort to Speak to the other girls on my corridor, I think once i have finished sorting my room, I will leave the door to the corridor open more, And i will make a name tag to go on my Door, so people know what to call me at least...hehe.
But generally things are pretty good, I am about to travel over to Woking to see my pobation officer, so i need to ask if i can transfer that to Reading now i am living here...Hehe
Need to get me a Rug for this Floor tho...:s it is HORRIBLE...haha

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