Monday, 1 October 2007


I finally have a diagnosis of what is wrong with me, it is Cyclothymia. Never heard of it...? Well nor had I, but not surprising considering it isn't usual diagnosed nor very well known, and is frequently mis diagnosed as Bi-polar disorder.
It is a mild version of Bi-polar Disorder, so my original diagnosis wasn't too far out, but it is what causes my episodes of Depression and Elation, but as my episodes aren't bad enough to stop me functioning it is Cyclothymia, not bi-polar.
Sadly there isn't really much known about it, and no known treatment, so all i can do, is learn to know myself, stick with the anti-depressants (to try and minimalise the depressive episodes), create coping mechanisms, and teach those closest to me about my condition so they can support me, and spot when i am falling into an episode.
So we will see, i can't see this diagnosis actually changing my life in anyway at all, but it is nice to have an understanding, it has been 8 years in the making.
So heres to being a nut case *raises glass*..... ;-)

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