Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Money, Money, Money!!

I swear this is the bane of my life (well probably everyones life). It is 8.30am, and i already know today will be thrown away, finding paperwork, and fighting the system, trying to prove i was supporting myself for 3 years before starting at the university last year. and it is making me want to kick, and scream and cry already.
But you know what i have made a decision, i am just going to hold my head high and wade through all this shit they keep piling in front of me, and just try to forget that the whole darn thing stinks to high heaven of burocratic bull shit.
But you know, i understand they need the proof, it isn't the finding the proof i have a problem with as such, it is that they can't even provide me with an exact list of what they need, so even if i find my proof, it might get to their end, and i can see them now, taking one look at it, and turning around and going "this is the wrong form, you need the OSNA-83722-LJGNAM-7, You needed the OSNA-83722-LJGNAM-8."

anyways, i know it is all just the way life is, tehehe, Deal with it Pipa, Deal....
And so here i am ranting to let out all my frustration, which ironically, i am currently finding most amusing, and now i can look forward to a fun day of digging through stacks of papers, and a wonderful trip to the job centre....WOOT!

Monday, 15 September 2008

To my Uncle

Who took his own life before we were ready.

How dare you leave us all,
How dare you not hold on,
How dare you give up, give in,
How can you just be gone.

How could you leave your mother,
Your Sister and your brother,
How about your Father,
How will your son recover.

How dare you leave us all,
Not listen to what we say,
Did you know we loved you,
That we wanted you to stay.

So now you've gone and found the end,
I am supposed to just forgive you,
But dispite it all, I have to say,
I'm sorry but i can't do.


I have come to one conclusion today, and in fact over the last week or two, that the reasons i am staying at home boil down to one thing and one thing alone, and that if it was not an issue, then i would leave here and disown my mother today. And that is Money, there is NOTHING else keeping me here, and hasn't been for a long time.
I need the money she gives me to get through Uni, i need the free home and food, and i need the job, that i only have through her.
But i always thought, i that i didn't REALLY hate her, that i was just really angry about somethings, but no, i was wrong, i actually really DO hate her. Don't get me wrong, i love her too in a way, but the hate does make that difficult to remember.
She has no respect for anyone else, EVER!

The only person whos time actually means anything to her, is her own, and i doubt that will ever change, to be honest i have no idea why my Dad has stuck around as long as he has. When she went to australia for 10 days, she was going on and on, about how we would manage without her, and how much Dad would miss her; however, it was the best week at home i have had in living memory, and my Dad, while not the happiest he had ever been, was certainly absolutly fine.
She expects us not only to do 90% of stuff around the house, but all the jobs she "doesn't have time for", and then she expects them to be done, when she would normally do it, in the way she would normally do it. I mean for F**K SAKE!, there is no wonder we never do anything of our own accord, we know it will just be critisised anyways.
She is always telling us how busy she is, but of course she never seems to be doing any work, she will spend 4 hours a day (at least, and that is NOT an exaduration) "sorting emails", which is where she sits reading and replying to emails, now this is not something she HAS to do, this is something she CHOOSES to do, and when she isn't doing that, she is playing Slay or Collapse on her Laptop, and on those occasions when she isn't at her laptop, she resorts to the only two other things she seems to be able to do, which is yell and scream about everything, pissing everyone off, or plays on the Playstation. now i am all for downtime, in fact i am quite an expert in it, but surely that implies that she actually DOES have free time.

Now i thought maybe, just maybe, she might let off a little with her brother recently having died, but no, in fact it is just another excuse to yell at everyone, "I am not coping", "It is all just too much at the moment".
Well I have given my share of sympathy, I have cried the tears of my own, and still do sometimes, but it all just feels like another excuse to dump all her responcability as a mother, onto us, and to make this holiday period more difficult for us that it already is.

As siblings we do all love each other every much, but as will be no surprise to anyone who has siblings, and many of those who don't, we don't deal well with being stuck in the same house together all the time. All things considered we are all getting along pretty well, and granted that is partly cos Max is back at school, and Toby at college, but that has only been the last week or so.

As for me personally, i am fed up, and want out, i miss my friends, who i hardly get to see, cos they are either spread all over the country or busy working, I miss Uni, the being busy, the feeling that i am actually achieving something, rather than drifting like i am at the moment. I want control of my life back, I am so sick of being treated like a badly behaved child all the time, and more than that, sick of being worried about what i am saying all the time, cos i know it will be turned on me in one way or another. And i wish i could see the one person i really really want to see, and who i miss mroe than anything else in the whole world, the one person who actually gets me. You know who you are, I love you, if it wasn't for you, i am not sure i could keep going.